Monday, January 30, 2012


Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.   I can’t remember where I heard this but I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.  It seems that the past few months have brought significant sorrows that have broken my heart.  What can you do?  Well I’ve finally figured it out!  Heaven is the answer – prayer is the answer.  We are never alone and God watches over us day and night.  Really when I put my sorrows into perspective, they’re just blips in the road.  I really don’t have any true sorrows, just disappointments, and they pass.  We know that we will all have trials and struggles here on earth.  How else do we get better?  I love the advertisement for the Marine Corp where is shows them hardening the steel blade and what it goes through.  That’s like our lives. We must pass through trials, but we don’t have to do it alone. 

I have also found that the scriptures can be great comfort.  Alma 37:33-37 has shown how I can get better.

33:  Preach unto t hem repentance, and faith on the Lord Jesus Christ: teach them to humble themselves and to be meek and lowly in heart; for such shall find rest to their souls.
34: Teach them to never be weary of good works, but to be meek and lowly in heart; for such shall find rest to their souls.
35: O, remember, my son, and learn wisdom in thy youth; yea, learn in thy youth to keep the commandments of God.
36: Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.

Yesterday we were asked if we knew anyone who was truly Christ-like.  I couldn’t help but think of Eti.  He is one of the most loving and giving people I know. While we lived on the reservation, it became so evident to me that he looked upon everyone as children of God. He has a great capacity to overlook the exterior and look within at the heart. 

Maybe as I try harder to develop this qualities, I will come to the realization that earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures to display heaven. Love the missionary ones and of dad.
