Monday, January 16, 2012

Childhood Memories

As Eti and I were coming home Friday from Aunt Dawn’s funeral, we got talking about all the fun Lynne and I had as kids.  I’ve already talked about the hair dryers, but as I got thinking I couldn’t help but chuckle.  When we were about 8 or 9, my mom and dad took us to Mesa Verde.  We sometimes took Lynne along on our vacations so I would have someone to entertain me.  Anyway it was a long drive and this was before air conditioning in the cars, so we had all the windows down.  I can remember taking tissue and tearing it into little strips.  We’d let the strips go and they would swirl around the car, and we would laugh and laugh.  As I look back on that, I can’t believe that Daddy and Mom would let us do it, but I remember them glancing at each other, and it must have been the joy of children’s laughter that allowed us to keep doing it.

Another time we were at Fish Lake with the family.  We usually went down for the 24th of July with all the Myers cousins.  Anyway, we were in our trailer playing cards and eating cookies and drinking milk.  We got laughing and soon the milk was being spit out of our mouths and coming out our noses.  My mom came in and got so mad.   She claimed the trailer would smell like sour milk, imagine that?  Anyway we would laugh uncontrollably for hours. 

I remember one trip to Grand Canyon and even though I don’t remember one specific incident, I remember that we would just look at each other and laugh.  There were trips to Bryce Canyon, American Fork Canyon, Payson Canyon and the mentioned Fish Lake.  When we went on the trips with all the family, I do remember being tortured by Bette, Colleen, Jay and Gerald.  Aren’t cousins’ fun?

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