Bucket List

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As I think about my bucket list, I don't really have anything I want to do per se, but there are lots of places I want to go.  Most of them, I have already been to but enjoyed them so much I want to go back.  Some of the places I have never been to.  Here is just a few:

Mesa Verde - Anything to do with Native Americans, I'm fascinated.
Sequoia National Park
Yreka, California - This is where Keith taught and would love to see it.
Mount Rushmore - Forever - I've wanted to go there.
Alaska - I would particularly like to take the railway from Fairbanks through Denali National Park to Anchorage.
Pioneer Trail - I-80 following the route the pioneers came and see the historical markers.
Palmyra - especially the Sacred Grove and along with that
Niagra Falls
Tazewell, Virginia - This would be fun because this is where my ancestors first came to.  I'm always interested in genealogy.
Ft. Lauderdale, FL - I would like to go there while Debbie and Mark are there.  I would like to see the Florida Keys.
Sutters Mill, California - I would like to see the whole area and again just site see.

Mesa Verde

Sequoia National Park

Yreka, CA

Mount Rushmore

Alaskan Railway Trip

Follow the pioneer trail and stop and see the sites, all the way to New York.

Palmyra, New York
Sacred Grove

Tazewell, County Virginia - Genealogy

Ft. Lauderdale

Niagra Falls

Sutter's Mill, California