Saturday, March 31, 2012


Rex, LM, Owen, Dad, Grandma and Kenvin
(Uncle Marvin not pictured)

I woke up this morning recovering from a dream that felt so good.  I dreamed that everyone I know and then some were in a great big room.  I looked around and there were my uncles, my dad’s brothers.  I could see Uncle Marvin with a great big cowboy hat on.  I could see my uncle LM in his Army uniform.  Uncle Rex, Owen, and Kenvin were there.  They were standing side by side with their wives.  They all looked so big, young and handsome.  There were other people there that resembled the Peery brothers, but I didn’t recognize any of them. 

Eti was there and my children.  I turned around and there stood my dad and mom.  I hugged them and then I clung a little longer to my dad and he said, “Who is this?” pointing to Eti.  I said this is my husband, and my dad hugged him and then turned to all my children and greeted them as though he already knew them.  It was such a wonderful feeling.  I vaguely remember all my uncles looking on. 

Somehow I’ve interpreted this dream to mean that my dad would be pleased with what I have done with my life so far. Who knows, but one day we will find out. 

Grandpa and Grandma Peery

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