Saturday, February 25, 2012


Today I decided that I would organize my yarn and fabric.  Actually by organize, I thought I would just get it all in the same place.  Needless to say, it was an exercise in futility!  I’m still looking and finding yarn and fabric poked in holes and sacks.  Soon I’ll get it all together.  In the meantime I do have grand visions of making things.  I have lots of visions and ideas, just no time.

I’ve got all kinds of yarn, I’m thinking of making crochet caps and trying to sell them.  I also thought about making granny square Afghans.  I also have been trying to find a pattern for a little girl’s dress I used to make.  I have looked and looked and can’t find it.  I’ll keep looking. 

Then I have fabric up the wazoo.  I’ve got lots of pretty Hawaiian print fabric, not sure what I’m going to do with it.  I have made quilts for my little grand kids.  But I’d have to have 30 more grand kids to use up all the fabric.  Then I thought I would make cute little Hawaiian outfits for them.  Again I need time.  I also have a pattern for aprons that is kind of nice.  I have thought of making block quilts, but not sure how.  So I’m checking Pinterest to see what I can find.  Wish me luck!

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