Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Today my students got me off on the tangent of marriage.  It all started when we talked about some man in Detroit killing his wife.  Then we got discussing the divorce rate.   We stated how it is 50% and that’s for a religion that believes in marriage, and that the family is the central unit on earth.  We began to discuss what could be the causes of divorce.  Of course, some said money, others said infidelity, but I believe that the number one cause of divorce is selfishness.  I believe it is when one spouse puts his/her needs and desires above those of their mate and children.  I think we are living more and more in a “me” society.  It has to be what I want, or it has to be my way, or I’m more important.  I find it quite frightening.

We had quite a nice discussion.  However, my next classes all looked at me like I was an alien from outer space.  Interesting how each class is different.   Somehow I hope they listened to some of it.  You could tell which classes were mature enough to have a discussion. 
When did we decide that it was ok to settle our differences with violence?  I believe it is quite scary when we see more and more accounts of violence between couples in the news.  We see examples of it everywhere we look.  I find it quite unsettling. 

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