Friday, February 3, 2012



a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.

a person who gives assistance

a person who is on good terms with another
a person who is not hostile:

Over the years, Eti and I have been blessed with many good friends.  I can’t begin to say how full our lives have been because of those friends.  It is so nice to have someone who accepts us with all our faults.  It is also nice to have friends, who look at our inner selves and not just our outer appearance.  We are grateful for those friends who have been willing to give assistance.  We have had friends who have helped us through those times financially ,and more importantly, have listened to us pour our hearts out. 

We have had such a good time the past few years with Greg and Doris Croshaw.  We have gone on several trips, and had a lot of laughs.  I decided to post some pictures of our trips and the fun we have had.   

Trip to Bryce Canyon - February

Trip to Pine Top Arizona - October
We lost Greg in the forest.  We were quite frightened for a while.

Canyon De Chelly

Hubbel Trading Post - Ganado, Arizona

Kauai June 2010

Park City Trip

Cameron - Tuba City Trip
Looking for petrified pumpkins!

Capitol Reef

Moki Cave

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