Saturday, January 21, 2012

Cousins' Reunion

I’m thinking of having another cousins’ reunion.  Those that came had such a good time.  I don’t know when I have laughed so much and relived our childhood memories.  It will be during our fall break which is the second week in October.  As I think about it, I think I’ll follow the same format:

1.       Thursday Night – meet at the pavilion and have pot luck.  I’ll provide the meat since most everyone will be traveling.
2.       Next morning have breakfast at my house.
3.       Then maybe a trip to Snow Canyon and Pine Valley and dinner at the Branding Iron Steak House.
4.       Next morning everyone on their own, golf, temple, pool or whatever.
5.       Lunch/Dinner at my house about 2, and visit and share.

It would be nice if everyone would bring pictures on Thursday, and then I could scan them and burn a CD.  Everyone will need to get their own lodging.  LaQuinta is just down the hill and is pretty nice.  Susi might be able to get a discount.

Of course, we all realize that the older we get the more we realize those family ties are important.  As I think of my cousins, we come from all walks of life.  Some are wealthy and some are not.  That doesn’t make any difference. We all came from the same grandparents and that is a tie that binds stronger than anything else.  I’m grateful for all these people who I know love and support me regardless of how foolish I am at times.  My heart aches for those people who have no family.  In my class we’re reading “To Kill a Mockingbird,” and the kids ask why Boo Radley never ran away, and one of them says, “Maybe he had no where to run to.”   I think that’s sad.  If I needed to run away, I'd always have someone to go to.  Thank you.

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