Saturday, January 28, 2012


I have a friend who posts sayings and pictures all the time on facebook.  While I was looking this morning this one really spoke to me.  I'm teaching my students right now the book "To Kill a Mockingbird," and there is one part in their when Atticus teaches his children what is true courage.  He says its not a man with a gun, but a little old lady trying to do the best she can each day. 

I know that at the end of each day, I'm going to have to ask for forgiveness for something I've done that day.  It may have been a sharp comment, a snub, maybe even a negative thought, but I will need to evaluate and ask forgiveness.  I pray each day for my students, mostly that they will be patient and understanding to me and that I will be to them.  I think there is so much that goes on in everyone's life that we have no idea about.  Many of us struggle just to get up everyday.  I hope that I can express a greater love and encouragement to all those around me.  I hope that I can be more patient.  I hope that at the end of the day I can say I did my best.   If not, I'll take the advise and try and be better tomorrow.

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