Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I went to “Aunty” Noe’s funeral on Monday, and as always it was a bitter sweet experience.  The talks given by her children were sweet and to the point.   As I looked at them, a flood of memories came back.  I taught several of them in school and was young woman’s leader to the others.  The Bishop spoke a few words and he pointed out something that I had not thought about before.  He said that as he had visited with the Tahus, one word kept coming up and that was “Aunty.”  He made the comment that being an Aunty is different than being an Aunt.  An Aunty is someone extra special, someone who is always there, someone who will fill in if your Mom is not around.  An Aunty is someone who deserves love and respect.  Then he made the comment to  the young women in the audience, that they should strive to be Aunties.  I thought that was very appropriate.
As long as I have been married, we have called all the older women in our lives, and some younger, Aunty.   They have been supportive and loving.  They are here to tell you when you are doing something wrong, tease you, teach  you, and love you.  All my life, I have had loving caring Aunties, some were related and some were not.  I’m grateful to each and every one.
Here are a couple of pictures of my “Aunties.”

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