Tuesday, May 1, 2012


Karla Peery                                           Ann Cowan

                                              Susan Peery

As I was sitting in church on Sunday, we sang a song that suddenly brought a wave of guilt over me.  We were singing “Truth Reflects Upon Our Senses.”  I remembered when I was about ten years old, maybe third or fourth grade, there seemed to be contention between the three girls my age in Springlake.  Of course, when living in a small farming community and there only being three girls my age, there was bound to be trouble.  Any time there is three, watch out!  One will always be left out.  Of course, there was myself, Karla, my cousin, and Ann Cowan.  You can imagine that just by family ties, Ann was left out.  Our Primary leaders recognized it, and so they decided that the three of us would sing a song in Sacrament Meeting.  Guess which one?

        Once I said unto another,
        “In thine eye there is a mote;
        If thou art a friend, a brother,
Hold and let me pull it out
        But I could not see if fairly,
        For my sight was very dim,
        When I came to search more clearly,
        In mine eye there was a beam.”
                                Eliza R. Snow

I suppose this was to help us see the error of our ways.  I don’t know that it did, because, as with all childhood relationships, it was up and down.  Ann moved away a few years later, and I think about her now and wonder how her life has turned out.  If I could see her and sit down and talk to her, I would apologize for anything that I might have done to hurt her feelings.  

“Let us oft speak kinds words to each other.” 

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